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Counseling, Coaching, and Virtual/ Home Study
ARC Substance Abuse Home-Study Course Info
How does the ARC Substance Abuse Home-Study work?
The home-study utilizes workbooks plus phone/skpe sessions (remote life-coach or remote counseling). An ARC counselor will meet with you and complete an assessment of needs, then discuss with you the findings of the assessment. Depending on the findings, workbooks will be assigned, then once completed reviewed with your life-coach/counselor. The length of completion is dependent upon you and how things are going. Each plan is individually constructed with a counselor and the topics are listed below.
The cost of assessment, workbooks, and remote coaching is on a sliding scale fee basis.
ARC Home-Study Workbooks included the following subjects:
Why am I Here?
Getting Started
Family Ties
Responsible Decisions
ARC Home-Study General Topics include the following subjects:
Programming for people in jail
(Under construction)
Belief Systems: How beliefs form, how the affect you, and how to change these invisible influences.
Sober Support: This segment focuses on sober support systems, the 12 steps, sponsorship, and the importance of meetings.
Alcohol, Drugs, Driving & You

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