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The 72 hour Driver Intervention Program is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. All Driver Intervention Programs operate under Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 5122-29-12.  Clients arrested for substance use associated offenses such as Operating a Vehicle Impaired (OVI), Reckless Operation (RO), or Physical Control (PC) can complete the course in lieu of completing time in jail for their offense. The 72 hour course includes a substance abuse screening, depending on the screening results, an extended evaluation or full Substance Abuse Assessment may be completed.Once the client finishes the course, the completion report, which includes the client’s participation and screening/ assessment results will be sent to the court, usually within 24 hours. The ARC-ip 72 hour course operates from Thursday at 3pm (check in is 3-6pm) and is done on Sundays from 3-4pm. Class size run from 10-35. The certified remedial driving course for the point reduction is also a part of this course.

48 hour Driver Intervention ProgramThe 48 hour Driver Intervention Program is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. This course is exactly like the 72 hour course; however, it is just one day shorter. Specific courts or reduced charges tend to accompany the recommendation for the 48 hour program. 48 hour clients are individuals who were arrested for a substance use associated offense. Similar to the 72 hour course these offenses include Operating a Vehicle Impaired (OVI), Reckless Operation (RO), or Physical Control (PC). The 48 hour course includes a substance abuse screening, depending on the screening results, an extended evaluation or full Substance Abuse Assessment may be completed. Once the client finishes the course, the completion report, which includes the client’s participation and screening/ assessment results will be sent to the court, usually within 24 hours. The ARC-ip 48 hour course is offered at Chillicothe, Dublin, Springfield, Fairborn, Middletown, Sharonville, and Dayton and is operated from Thursday at 6pm until Saturday 6pm. The certified remedial driving course for the point reduction is also a part of this course.

The 30 hour Driver Intervention Program operates like the 72 hour course; however, clients are allowed to go home at 6pm daily. The program hours are Thursday 5-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm; Saturday 8am-6pm; and Sunday 9am-4pm. Similar to the 72 hour course these offenses include Reckless Operation (RO), or Physical Control (PC), and other substance use associated offenses. The 30 hour course includes a substance abuse screening, depending on the screening results, an extended evaluation or full Substance Abuse Assessment may be completed (this may be an additional $50). Once the client finishes the course, the completion report, which includes the client’s participation and screening/ assessment results will be sent to the court, usually within 24 hours. The ARC-ip 30 hour course is offered at Chillicothe, Dublin, Springfield, Fairborn, Middletown, Sharonville, and Dayton. The certified remedial driving course for the point reduction is also a part of this course.

The 13 hour Driver Intervention Program operates from 5pm-8pm on Thursday plus 8am-6pm on Friday or Saturday (depending on your location. The 13 Hour Substance Abuse Intervention Program is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Similar to the 72 hour course these offenses include Reckless Operation (RO), or Physical Control (PC), and other substance use associated offenses such as public intox or open container. The 13 hour course includes a substance abuse screening, depending on the screening results, an extended evaluation or full Substance Abuse Assessment may be completed (this may be an additional $50). Once the client finishes the course, the completion report, which includes the client’s participation and screening/ assessment results will be sent to the court, usually within 24 hours. The ARC-ip 13 hour course is offered at Chillicothe, Dublin, Springfield, Fairborn, Middletown, Sharonville, and Dayton. The certified remedial driving course for the point reduction is not a part of this course.

Remedial Driving Course For Two-Point Credit or 12-Point Re-instatement
The 8 hour Adult Remedial Course is for individuals 19 years or older. If you have at least two points but fewer than 12 points on your driving record, you may be eligible to complete a remedial driver course for a two-point credit. Completing the course does not remove points from your record, but can act as a cushion against future convictions that may take you to 12 points within a two-year period. This course must be taken at an approved location (ARC locations are certified and approved by the Ohio Department of Public Safety). Also, the course may be taken based on a court-order or because of an underage OVI. The certified remedial driving course operates from 8am-6pm on  Fridays and Saturday and is $75.00. Class size 10-40 (when over 24 two instructors are utilized).

2023 ARC DIP Schedule (Remedial & Substance Abuse Education are on Fridays and Saturdays)
3:00-5:30PM    Check in, Entrance Interviews, Room Checks, Room Assignments
5:45-7:00PM    PPT – Program Open -Rules, Rights, Confidentiality, Releases, Schedule Review Files, Food
7:00-8:00PM     Room Assignments; Medication; Reviews Security Protocol; Food Delivery, Lockdown
(30 Hour Clients leave when file is complete)

Friday/Saturday                   Certified Remedial Driving Course   (DO NOT ALTER)
6:45AM          Wake-up calls at 6:45AM, then 7:15AM Escort to breakfast
8:00AM          Look up License; DUI Dead in 5 Seconds  & Discussion – Break 9:20

9:30AM          FLI Workbooks, Pre-Appraisal, Pages 3-6, PreTrip
                       Safety Pgs 7-8, Critical Elements Segment pgs 9-17, Special Conditions 18-23,
                        Alcohol Lecture - Face the Facts/ Reaction Time (RD HO 1) (Breaks every 70-90 minutes)
12:30PM         Lunch 45 Minutes

1:15PM           Situational Driving Pages 24-End/ OVI Law - Sentencing Standards (RD HO 2)

2:45PM           Break
3:00-4PM        Take Remedial Test; Grade Test; Remedial Sign up

5:00PM           Break
5:15:PM          Remedial Test/ Dr. Phil- How You Look Drunk/ Grade tests
6:00-6:45PM  Dinner (48 Hour clients dismissed)(30 Hour Clients leave at 6)
6:45-7:30PM  Marijuana Nation (Film {50 minutes}and Discussion)

Friday/Saturday                                     A & D Lectures and Small Group Activities
6:45AM          Wake-up then at 7:15AM Escort to breakfast
8:00-8:50AM  Intervention -Allyson (Poly Substance Dependent- White House Intern)
9-9:50AM       PPT 1  Understanding Additions – Signs and Symptoms

10-10:50AM   Intervention -Gabe & Vanessa (Gambling, Shopping, Eating and Personality Disorders)
11-12:00PM   PPT 1 - Cycles & Triggers, Dual Diagnosis, Family Effects
12:00PM         Lunch

1:00PM           Grp 1 – Small Group Form Intro-PPP-DIP Experience/ OVI Story (Form Group 1-4)
2:30PM           Break

2:40PM           Grp 2 & 3 Expenses – Adding it up/ Jury Trial (Form Group 1-4)

4PM                Break
4:10PM           Group 4 – Consequence Worksheet -Identifying Your Risk (Form Group 1-4)
5:00PM           Break 
5:10-6:15        Action Plan (48 Hour clients dismissed)
(30 Hour Clients leave at 6)

6:15-6:45PM  Dinner
6:45-7:30PM  World’s Most Dangerous Drug: Meth          

7:30                 Wake up calls
8:30-9:00AM  Room Clean out/ Brunch – come down on your own
9:00AM          American Addict

10:30AM        Break

11:00AM        MADD Part 1– Lives Affected (film-27 min.) discussion & handout
12:00               Lunch Break

1:00PM           AA Speaker
2:00PM           Surveys and Jeopardy
4:00PM           Dismissal, all car keys and medications returned. (
30 Hour Clients leave at 3-4)

72 Hour Schedule
48 Hour Schedule

2023 ARC 13 hour Nonresidential Program Course Schedule 

30 Hour Schedule
13 Hour Schedule

3:00-5:30PM   Check in
5:30-6:30PM   Rules, Client Rights, Confidentiality, Release, File Completion
6:30-8:00PM   American Addict – (Film 90min.) 

Friday or Saturday

8:00-8:50AM  Intervention -Allyson (Poly Substance Dependent- White House Intern)
9-9:50AM       PPT 1  Understanding Additions – Signs and Symptoms

10-10:50AM   Intervention -Gabe & Vanessa (Gambling, Shopping, Eating and Personality Disorders)
11-12:00PM   PPT 1 - Cycles & Triggers, Dual Diagnosis, Family Effects
12:00PM         Lunch

1:00PM           Grp 1 – Small Group Form Intro-PPP-DIP Experience/ OVI Story (Form Group 1-4)
2:30PM           Break

2:40PM           Grp 2 & 3 Expenses – Adding it up/ Jury Trial (Form Group 1-4)

4PM                Break
4:10PM           Group 4 – Consequence Worksheet -Identifying Your Risk (Form Group 1-4)
5:00PM           Break 
5:10-6:15        Action Plan (48 Hour clients dismissed)
(30 Hour Clients leave at 6)

6:15-6:45PM  Dinner
6:45-7:30PM  World’s Most Dangerous Drug: Meth    

*Breaks are given every 60-90 minutes, Lunch 12:30-1:15, Dinner 6-6:45
** Screenings, Evaluations, and Assessments are completed from 8am-10pm 

8 Hour Remedia Schedue

Friday/Saturday                   Certified Remedial Driving Course   (DO NOT ALTER)
6:45AM          Wake-up calls at 6:45AM, then 7:15AM Escort to breakfast
8:00AM          Look up License; DUI Dead in 5 Seconds  & Discussion – Break 9:20

9:30AM          FLI Workbooks, Pre-Appraisal, Pages 3-6, PreTrip
                       Safety Pgs 7-8, Critical Elements Segment pgs 9-17, Special Conditions 18-23,
                        Alcohol Lecture - Face the Facts/ Reaction Time (RD HO 1) (Breaks every 70-90 minutes)
12:30PM         Lunch 45 Minutes

1:15PM           Situational Driving Pages 24-End/ OVI Law - Sentencing Standards (RD HO 2)

2:45PM           Break
3:00-4PM        Take Remedial Test; Grade Test; Remedial Sign up

5:00PM           Break
5:15:PM          Remedial Test/ Dr. Phil- How You Look Drunk/ Grade tests
6:00-6:45PM  Dinner (48 Hour clients dismissed)(30 Hour Clients leave at 6)
6:45-7:30PM  Marijuana Nation (Film {50 minutes}and Discussion)

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